I started 2010 in Oregon, hungover at a bar, watching the Rose Bowl. 2 weeks later I was engaged. About a week after my engagement party, my boss, who I had worked well with for 2 years, decided I was making a power play and shut it down. Hard. After a long battle with her and with HR, I left my job.
This puts us at Memorial Day. June was spent doing yoga 4-5 times a week, laying low, filing for unemployment, and booking hostels online. July was spent drinking.
August 1st, I left for Europe. The results are chronicled at alexisalive.posterous.com.
October 2nd, returned from Europe. October 7th, started at a new job. November 7th, realized the new job was a bunch of bullshit, and began looking for other work. Interviewed at Box.net.
That brings us up to this month. My boss hit on me in a hotel room in Boston, I suffered from a really bad stomach flu, and here we are. 2 weeks away from Christmas.
Where the hell did this year go?